#Npm serverless appsync plugin simulator
You will need to restart the simulator each time you change yml files. Location: '.webpack/service ' # use webpack build directory dynamoDb:īy default, the simulator will hot-relad when changes to *.graphql or *.vtl files are detected.Ĭhanges to *.yml files are not supported (yet? - this is a Serverless Framework limitation). You can add every configuration accepted by DynamoDB SDKĪrray of glob patterns to watch for hot-reloading. Specify it if you're connecting to a remote Dynamodb intance.ĪWS Session Token to access DynamoDB, only if you have temporary security credentials configured on AWS Otherwise, port is taken from dynamodb-local confĭynamodb region. Specify it if you're not using serverless-dynamodb-local. Location of the lambda functions handlers.Ī mapping of resource resolutions for the Ref functionĪ mapping of resource resolutions for the GetAtt functionĪ mapping of resource resolutions for the ImportValue functionĪ mapping of external functions for providing invoke url for external fucntions
20002, 20012, 20022, etc.)ĪppSync subscriptions port if using multiple APIs, the value of this option will be used as a starting point, and each other API will have a port of lastPort + 10 (e.g. When using API_KEY as authentication type, the key to authenticate to the endpoint.ĪppSync operations port if using multiple APIs, the value of this option will be used as a starting point, and each other API will have a port of lastPort + 10 (e.g. Put options under custom.appsync-simulator in your serverless.yml file option Serverless: AppSync endpoint: Serverless: GraphiQl.